Where will agriculture take you?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Traditional Rice Farming

Vietnam has a rich agriculture sector and is the world's second largest rice exporter. Experts anticipate the country will soon be the number one global rice producer by ousting its competitor, Thailand. Rice production contributes to the country's overall $103.574 billion GDP (in U.S. dollars.) 

Vietnam covers 127,881 square miles and is slightly larger than New Mexico. It has high summer rainfalls that create the ideal rice producing conditions. Vietnam's rice production can be accredited to its historical roots. It has been produced for centuries and still uses many hand farming practices. Rice has become an ingrained aspect of the country's heritage and is a part of its history and future. 

A common practice is to bury deceased in rice fields to ensure a good harvest. This field held several family graves that the crops grew around. 

Typical rice fields are sectioned off and can be seen from an arial plane view. 

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