Where will agriculture take you?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Miracle Plant, Aloe Vera

I have only had two experiences with aloe vera plants in my life. First, when I was ten and received a horrible sunburn at 4-H camp. One of my cabin mates happened to have a large bottle of green goo labeled "aloe vera". That green goo was a life savor for my bright red and peeling skin!

My second aloe vera moment was during my senior year in greenhouse class. Our agriculture department had just built a greenhouse and one of the first plants we grew was aloe vera. Soon, aloe vera was taking over our facilty. The plant grew fast and our agriculture advisor informed us seniors that our graduation presents might be aloe vera plants that year. 

When I took home my aloe vera plant, my younger brother Dane quickly became its caretaker. Dane is a high school athlete, with impressive muscles and he stands at over 6 foot tall. Yet, this big kid has a soft spot in his heart for his aloe vera plant. The plant is hardy, as it has survived being left out in a wind storm and was found in the middle of a pasture days later. It has grown tremendously and Dane transferred it into a pretty ceramic pot. It now has it's own spot in our home and if anyone ever has a sunburn Dane is quick to remind you that his aloe vera plant can help you out. 

 I had to send Dane a picture of his favorite plant when I visited an aloe vera farm. I thought our school greenhouse had many aloe vera plants, but these fields were filled with the plant.

Rows and rows of aloe vera!
The inside of an aloe vera plant is filled with a gooey-brown substance which is what relieves sunburn pain. The "green goo" you see inside the aloe vera gel bottles on Walmart shelves is actually dyed in a laboratory. 

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