Where will agriculture take you?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Litton Leaders Scholars

Through the years, I have spent many hours in Gallatin High School's agriculture building. When I was in elementary school, the highlight of my school year was visiting the agriculture shop for Barn Yard Day. This was when FFA members would bring in their animals that were a part of their SAE projects. What could be better than being able to bring your pets to school?

As I grew older, I found myself taking many classes in the building. As FFA member, I practically lived there during contest season. The Gallatin ag building has not changed much from my earliest memories. I still consider it a safe haven, a place where FFA members develop themselves. More awards and plaques now adorn the walls, but a certain FFA jacket still remains.

Jerry Litton's FFA Jacket is proudly displayed in our agriculture building. I had often heard the story repeated through my childhood: Senator Litton was a prominent force in northwest Missouri politics and agriculture. Many believe that he would have even been the next president of the U.S. But, Senator Litton and his family were tragically killed in a plane crash. The Litton family has been a long time supporter of the Chillicothe FFA Chapter, where Senator Litton resided. 

This year at MU, a new program has been developed, the Litton Leaders Scholars. It pays tribute to the accomplishments and passion Senator Litton had for his alma-marta and congressional state. 

I am proud to be a member of the inaugural Litton Leaders Scholar class. Myself and 23 of my fellow CAFNR students were selected for the honor. We will participate in a leadership course next year during our sophomore year. The process involved an extensive application and interview. When people say the agriculture industry is small, they are correct. As I know each of my fellow Scholars personally though past agriculture involvements. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to represent my hometown and MU as one of the first Litton Leaders Scholars. I also am representing my degree program and Senator Litton was also a fellow Science and Agriculture Journalism student. 

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