Where will agriculture take you?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Traveling to Southeast Asia

The hustle and bustle of an airport is composed with the flurry of travelers searching for departure gates, the feeling of ease when you complete security checks and excitement when you finally reach plane take off. The diverse aspects of travel are what make it so exhilarating. It is a process that I will complete after three flights, two days, time zone changes and thousands of miles. After, I will reach my destination of Southeast Asia. 

I will be half a world away in a foreign country. In Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore I will be submerged in a new culture for two weeks. There will be language barriers, I will be12 hours off my normal time zone and even miss my mother's birthday. Yet, this is all part of the traveling process. You must be flexible and have a positive attitude. Luggage may get lost, planes can be delayed and security will often take longer than you like, but reaching your destination is worth any slight mishaps. In all, the traveling process can be an adventure just as much as your trip. 

 Bethany Markay from Missouri State University and I enjoy our last American meal before heading over seas.  

Our team flew from San Francisco, California to Hong Kong, China, to Singapore and then Vietnam. Vietnam is the first country on our tour of Southeast Asian agriculture. With Passport in hand, I am ready to learn about international agriculture first-hand. 

Hello Hong Kong, China! 

I experienced my first airplane meal! (Complete with dragon fruit and rice rolls.) The entire flight duration was around 15 hours. However, we spent nearly 30 hours in travel time with flight layovers, time zone changes and security. 

Upon reaching Asia a few team mates and I enjoyed a refreshing Starbucks break! I had to try the latest Frapachino flavor. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice. This is definitely great info. I appreciate you posting this! More like it soon please! :)

